Awaken To Truth and Freedom
Discover The Hidden Realities and Reclaim Your Sovereignty From The Matrix Of Deception
Awakening To The Truth
Join Us In Uncovering The Deceptions That Have Shaped Our Reality. Together, We Explore The Hidden Truths About Our World And The Awakening Of The Sovereign Spirit Within Us!
As we stand on the brink of a monumental shift in global consciousness, many of us are awakening to the truth that the mainstream media has often concealed. It’s a time when the fragility of corrupt governments is laid bare, and we are beginning to witness the downfall of the systems that have perpetuated evil and deceit for too long. The rapid pace of disclosure is unveiling the hidden realities of our world, leaving us in awe as we navigate through this remarkable soul awakening.
This transformative era is not just about personal enlightenment but is also heralding a great wealth transfer that will redefine our understanding of prosperity. We are collectively uncovering the roots of deception that have kept humanity in ignorance, and as we move forward, the possibilities for a brighter and more equitable future seem boundless. Together, we will embrace this change and emerge stronger than ever.
I will keep updating this website as it seems that we are finding out what was done to us, humanity, the corruption, and everyone involved, WOW ...And this is how it all started! Read Every Word!!!
July 4th, 1776
The Greatest Experiment Ever Begun
It Ended February 21, 1871
The Forty-First Congress was in session
Under the “Acts of the Forty-First Congress,”
Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62
Congress passed an Act titled:
“An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia.”
This is also known as the“Act of 1871.”
Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten-mile square parcel of land located between Maryland and Virginia.
At this time, our country was in peril. Suffering from bankruptcy due to the Civil War, a strategic maneuver by European interests (the international Bankers), the congress knew we were in trouble and cut a deal with international bankers.
In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as
Note the capitalization, because it is important.
This corporation, owned by foreign interests moved right in and shoved the original ‘organic’ version of the Constitution into a dusty corner.
With the “Act of 1871,” our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word “for” was changed to the word “of” in the title.
The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner:
“The Constitution for the united states of America”.
The altered version reads:
It is the corporate constitution. It is NOT the same document you might think it is.
The corporate constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic. It absolutely is not.
Capitalization – an insignificant change? Not when one is referring to the context of a legal document, it isn’t. Such minor alterations have had major impacts on each subsequent generation born in this country.
What the Congress did with the passage of the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia. The kind of government THEY created was a corporation.
The New, altered Constitution serves as the constitution of the corporation, and not that of America. Think about that for a moment.
Incidentally, this corporate constitution does not benefit the Republic. It serves only to benefit the corporation. It does nothing good for you or me – and it operates outside of the original Constitution.
The Forty-First Congress was in session.
The Republic Fell February 21, 1871.
Long Before any of us were born.
Long before our History Books were written.
Long Before the Dollar, World Wars and Depression.
So, Congress committed TREASON against the People, who were considered Sovereign under the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. When we consider the word “Sovereign,” we must think about what the word means.
According to Webster’s Dictionary:
“sovereign” is defined as
1. chief or highest; supreme.
2. Supreme in power, superior in position to all others. 3. Independent of, and unlimited by, any other, possessing or entitled to, original and independent authority of jurisdiction.
In other words, our government was created by and for “sovereigns” – the free citizens who were deemed the highest authority. Only the People can be sovereign – remember that!
Government cannot be sovereign. We can also look to the Declaration of Independence where we read:
“government is subject to the consent of the governed” –
that’s supposed to be us, the sovereigns.
Do you feel like a sovereign nowadays?
I refer you to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic)
Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
The Great Soul Awakening Is Here!!!
Awakening ?
In recent years, I have embarked on a profound journey that unveils the extraordinary shifts occurring globally. This "Great Awakening," which I now recognize as "The Great Soul Awakening," intertwines with what many refer to as "The Greatest Wealth Transfer Of All Humankind."
As I reflect on the chaos – if your mind isn’t spinning yet, don't you worry, it will, and brace yourself – it has becomes evident that we are at a pivotal moment. The revelation of corruption permeating governments worldwide is shocking, particularly when one considers the extensive control exerted over education, healthcare, media, taxes, votes, and the never-ending list goes on.
What if I told you that everything that you have believed in for a very long time has been a lie, fabricated, and I do mean EVERYTHING!!! Folks, you, me, us, get ready, and Mentally prepare for it, because it’s coming, as we have been lied to, manipulated, robbed for decades, and yes, by our very own governments! WOW!!! Let that sink in a bit!!!
Everything is rigged … elections, sports, the stock market, currency, Fed Reserve, Big Pharma, Hollywood, the mainstream media, and yes that includes CNN (certainly not news), Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. You control the media, and you basically control the world! No one cares about WE THE PEOPLE except for WE THE PEOPLE!!! Are You getting It Yet?
These elements have intricately shaped our reality, fueling massive corruption and setting the stage for a monumental wealth transfer. In this transformative era, we stand on the brink of a new sovereign republic, ready to embrace the change that is undeniably essential. The time for change is now!!!
What if I told you that Everything From November 3, 2020, Is A Script, And You Are Watching A Movie Being Played Out Publicly To You Due To:
The Uniform Code Of Military Justice, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, Military Optics via Code Language, Military Optics via Symbolism, Military Regulations, Maritime Law, Executive Orders, Peads, National Emergencies, Presidential Acts, Marine Law Of 1834, U.S. Codes, U.S. Law … The Military Took Over On November 2016, And That Is Where A lot Of The Major Arrests Were Made!!! Everything You’ve Seen Since Then, Are Actors In The Best Technology Known To Man!!!
This is my first website, but I felt this could be a way for me to do my part as to inform folks of what has been going on, right in front of our eyes and for decades! Yes and that includes the trafficking of children where the Cabal, the Deep State, and our very own governments were major players in a bad, very bad way, not for the good intention of us!!! Buckle Up Buttercups And Get Ready For A Monumental Ride Of A Lifetime That Is Here Upon Us!!! I will continue to post information, links, and whatever helps to ease the mind!

Hi, me again! Doesn't this feel like it can't be happening? It’s exciting to think about the changes happening around us! We are on the brink of transitioning from the US corporation, which has declared bankruptcy, back to a true republic, a concept many of us have longed for.
The journey ahead might feel surreal, but it’s happening, and there’s so much more to come. As we navigate through this transformation, it’s essential to pay attention to all the pieces of the puzzle—like a story-line in a movie that gradually unfolds.
Remember, this is just the beginning, and as we keep striving to uphold our republic, we can look forward to some astonishing developments ahead. Stay tuned, because you really haven’t seen anything yet!
For decades, America has been ruled by a shadow government, an unelected network of elites who manipulated the system for their own gain. They orchestrated wars, crashed economies, stole elections, and trafficked children, all in pursuit of a New World Order.
But what they never saw coming was the largest, most complex military sting operation in human history—one designed to expose, trap, and destroy every last one of them!!!
This has never been about Republicans vs. Democrats. It has always been GOOD vs. EVIL! The U.S. Military knew. The Patriots knew. And Trump led the charge.
Every law, executive order, military maneuver, and political event has been deliberate and calculated, all leading to this final moment—the destruction of the Deep State.
From the very beginning, the legal and military framework was being put in place for a full-scale Deep State take down.
• Law of War Manual (2016): Set the foundation for military occupation under specific wartime conditions.
• Military Justice Act (2016): Allowed military tribunals to operate separately from corrupt civilian courts.
• Trump’s Inauguration (2017): The top military brass stood behind him, signaling their allegiance.
• Multiple National Emergencies (2018): Allowed military intervention when necessary.
The operation continued to weaken the Deep State’s financial and political power:
• Saudi Arabia Purge (2017): Deep State funding cut off, Clinton and Obama’s networks collapsed.
• Executive Order 13818 (2017): Freezing criminal assets worldwide.
• Trump Walks in Front of the Queen (2018): A symbolic moment showing the fall of absolute power.
The Deep State saw its last opportunity to seize control with a global pandemic. But instead of succumbing, Trump and the Military flipped the script:
• Executive Order 13912 (March 2020): Activated 1,000,000 National Guard troops—signaling incoming military occupation.
• Capitol Fencing (January 2021): D.C. was militarized, not to protect Biden, but to oversee the controlled collapse of the Deep State regime.
• Space Force Takes Over Communications (2022): A move that placed all military intelligence outside of Biden’s reach.
The 2020 election was never about votes. The Deep State had to steal it—to expose themselves. And now the world is seeing the truth unfold:
• Biden Has No Military Control: Zero legitimate proof of authority.
• National Guard Still Active: The U.S. remains under military occupation.
• Massive Military Flights Over D.C.: Movement of forces signals preparation for mass arrests.
• Space Force Controls Communications: Every piece of intelligence secured.
Trump is officially PRESIDENT-ELECT. The Military is preparing to REVEAL the truth. Mass arrests and military tribunals are incoming. The Deep State believed they could manipulate the system forever. They were wrong.
Reports confirm the inevitable:
• Military Tribunals Confirmed (December 2021): Acknowledged by major media sources.
• National Guard Standing By: Awaiting orders for mass arrests.
• Space Force Holds the Key: Secured intelligence will expose everything.
The time for games is over. The US Republic WILL be restored. NOTHING can stop what’s coming!!!
Hi, folks, as you can see we have been in a war for the last few years, just not the war that we have all been used to, as we are going thru a spiritual war, yes let that sink in!!! In recent years, we have found ourselves engaged in a profound spiritual war, a battle that transcends traditional conflict.
This year's Super Bowl commercials, filled with references to Jesus, God, and Unity among players, marked an unprecedented moment in our cultural consciousness.
It echoes the themes of the Matrix, suggesting we are deep within our own illusions and delusions. As we witness the unfolding of a financial meltdown targeting the elites and oppressive regimes worldwide, it's crucial to stay alert; this is not merely a drill. The choices we face are stark, akin to choosing between the red pill and the blue pill—one promising the truth and the other, a comfortable ignorance. As we navigate this tumultuous landscape, prepare yourself for what lies ahead, keeping in mind that awareness can be the first step towards liberation.
Hi, what can i say, but Wow, Wow, Wow, the corruption, and this is just the very tip of the ice berg, believe it or not! All the evil and corruption started way before you or I were even born, but as soon as we came out of our Mom's womb,the reality of corruption is truly staggering, revealing just the surface of a much deeper problem. Long before our existence, a shadowy cabal, comprising deep-state operatives and greedy governments, has profited at the expense of the masses.
As we were born into this world, the intricate web of deceit began tightening around us. However, recent developments suggest a seismic shift; powerful elites, such as the Rothschilds, and mega-corporations like BlackRock, are beginning to face consequences for their actions.
This awakening comes as our military and prominent figures, like President Trump, challenge the status quo. The tide is turning, and a wave of justice is steadily rising, promising to dismantle the long-standing dominance of corrupt leaders.
What we are witnessing is not merely change—it is a reckoning, a potential Armageddon for those who have exploited their power for far too long. We're just beginning, and if you're not upset, pissed, believe me, you will! Let's continue!!!

Are we really over taxed? Sit down, think about it, reflect, Thank God We Don’t Have A Breathing Tax? LOL
*The Inheritance Tax
*Accounts Receivable Tax
*Building Permit Tax
*CDL License Tax
*Cigarette Tax
*Corporate Income Tax
*Dog License Tax
*Excise Taxes
*Federal Income Tax
*Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
*Fishing License Tax
*Food License Tax
*Fuel Permit Tax
*Gasoline Tax
*Gross Receipts Tax
*Hunting License Tax
*Inheritance Tax
*Inventory Tax
*IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) , REALLY?
*Liquor Tax
*Luxury Taxes
*Marriage License Tax
*Medicare Tax
*Personal Property Tax
*Property Tax
*Real Estate Tax
*Service Charge Tax
*Social Security Tax
*Road Usage Tax
*Recreational Vehicle Tax
*Sales Tax
*School Tax
*State Income Tax
*State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
*Telephone Federal Excise Tax
*Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
*Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
*Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
*Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges
*Tax Telephone State and Local Tax
*Telephone Usage Charge Tax
*Utility Taxes
*Vehicle License Registration Tax
*Vehicle Sales Tax
*Watercraft Registration Tax
*Well Permit Tax
*Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
Are you still laughing?
Ever look at your detailed bill from your TV network provider, check it out, and keep laughing!!! Just more ways that the Deep State, Cabal, governments, stole OUR monies!!!
What in the heck happened? Greed? One of many factors! Can you spell 'politicians?'
What a remarkable time to be alive, as we witness the downfall of corrupt politicians who have long manipulated financial markets for their own gain. Their blatant disregard for human rights and involvement in trafficking for profit have exposed their true nature.
We find ourselves engaging in a spiritual battle, and it seems the tide is finally turning. Can you feel the shift? As we uncover the sinister actions of big pharmaceutical companies, we are confronted with the reality that they have been harming us little by little, indifferent to our suffering.
Since birth, we have faced excessive taxation, and it's becoming increasingly clear that many diseases are not merely a result of nature but are, in fact, man-made and patented. The awakening is upon us, and the truth is coming to light, encouraging us to seek justice and change.
As i said earlier, we have been in a spiritual warfare, as the tide is definitely changing!!! Can you feel the shift?
How we have been over-taxed since the day we were born! And you will learn how almost everything, and I do mean everything that we have been taught, and yes even at school, and yes even religion has been lies and lies to separate and manipulate us!
Remember the phrase "6 feet social distance"? Wait till you hear that truth!
Now, let me say, that there is wonderful, amazing news on a world-wide level that is happening right now!!! Remember, we are in two realities? Which one do you prefer?
Behold I Come
Revelation 22.12 Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
{This beautiful message was received around December 2024, and I am sharing it, because we really are going thru a HUGE MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION leading to a GLOBAL SOUL AWAKENING!}
My children, things are about to become very serious in many ways. There are things that you have been expecting, and there are many other things that will surprise you. There has never been a time like this before in the history of the earth, as the fulfillment of all things is coming to pass before your very eyes!
There are two realities colliding and the fallout will be massive. For those who have walked in obedience with Me and share My over-comers, you have trained for this season, and you are equipped to battle in the way that I have taught you to battle- through My sword of the Spirit. For those who have not heeded My warnings, those who continue to walk in idolatry and not have put Me as their first love, much fear, anguish and gnashing of teeth is here. There is no more time to walk in the ways of the world and only have Me on the sidelines. For truly I tell you, just as in the days of Noah, so are these days which are now here.
It is just like the ranks of a military, the armed forces, or any specialized forces who have been taken out and chosen for a certain task in order that others may be helped and saved, and come into the fold. There must be leaders for those who have not yet prepared for this season in this realm. There must be those who walk by example- always in humility, complete obedience and full surrender in every area of their lives. And, as I have always taught you, humility and obedience is the key.
Discipline, resilience, faith, and trust will move you into the higher anointing, where you will understand that to whom much is given, much is required. I will use My finished vessels to bring in those who have not completely given their lives to Me. In all its fullness, those who still continue to put spouse, family, relationships, work and all types of things before Me, when my commandments have always been- love Me with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and then love others. But I must be first.
To you who have become My over-comers, My Spirit will rest on you, and you will minister in great love, mercy and truth, compassion, patience, and kindness, because you will see each soul as I see them with no judgement, natural, collectively around the earth, all the while, tribulation pours forth.
This acceleration is happening now on many levels. You are very well aware if you are walking intimately with Me that not only has there been an acceleration of My presence in those who love Me and have put Me first, but also in the evil that has been released on the earth. There is an acceleration of agendas, an acceleration of manifestations of all types of the dark kingdom, as they work feverishly toward their goals. There is an acceleration of time which is very apparent at this point, an acceleration of events, as the signs in the skies and the heavens are undeniable.
I am shouting from every angle, and My trumpets have sounded. And, I say to the masses, do you not hear them?! A Great and terrible day is upon you, and woe to those who have not heeded My instructions and who have not repented, and have not surrendered their lives to Me and made me their first love. I have made Myself very clear for so long. The instructions have ever been before you in My Word. I have sent watchmen and prophets, and messengers and scribes. I have sent teachers and ministers and evangelists. I have shouted from the heavens My plans, My design, and My instructions, but so few want Me. So few believe. And so now- all will see; all will know; all will be made apparent; all will be exposed. I will give the unrepentant the consequences of the desires of their heart, as I move forward in My design, closing this age of grace. Then every soul will know and see and perceive that I AM.
For those walking intimately with Me, your position is to stand firm, exercise great discipline throughout your days. Come to Me in absolutely everything, even in the smallest detail, asking for My counsel and My will. Walk in humility and great love, for those who are unrepentant and compromising around you will continue to fall deeper into the deception and darkness, because they have not yet chosen to commit to Me fully. Yet, I must caution you who are My own- only speak of Me now when I instruct you to do so, for those who require further testing must be in the correct position and frame of mind to receive what you are saying, or you could interfere with their process of maturing, as they are not quite ready. Remember, only I know when a heart is softened and ripe for receiving truth.
Their experience in this realm must be their experience, and it will be painful to watch; however, their testing will save them ultimately from eternal darkness and separation from Me. My work in them must be done, and as My remnant, those chosen beforehand to lead, your position is to pray fervently and earnestly for them. Pray that I will do whatever it takes to bring them to complete surrender and brokenness, as My will is done, in order that they may find Me. For what does it gain a man to have everything in this world, only to lose his soul?
As you see the unthinkable play out now, always remember that I am in control. Do not take your eyes off of Me. And, although you will experience much, and much more, I will always provide for you and protect you, for you are Mine. Nothing can separate you from the love that I have for you. I will strengthen you, and I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I am your Refuge and Fortress. I am your Shield.
Heb, 4.12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discemer of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God!
Acceleration IT BEGINS

Hello, remember I said that the future is bright!!! The future is indeed bright, brimming with possibilities as over 6,000 new technologies emerge, holding the potential to enrich our lives in transformative ways. Among these groundbreaking innovations is the med bed, a life-saving technology that has remained concealed for decades. Its revelation could and will shake the foundations of the deep state and the cabal, disrupting the lucrative operations of big pharma.
Unlike conventional treatments that merely address symptoms, the med bed identifies and eradicates the root causes of illnesses and pain. This revolutionary advancement represents just the beginning of a new era in healthcare, one where patients can regain their health and well being without the oppressive influence of pharmaceutical giants. As these breakthroughs come to light, we stand on the brink of a healthcare revolution that promises to empower individuals and enhance the quality of life for everyone.
And with that revolutionary advancement in healthcare comes, and will bring on 'NESARA -GESARA" which stands for "National Economic Security and Reformation Act" which is Global Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity and that will bring us to our new sovereign US Republic!!!
Hi, how are you doing? Still here? Awesome!!! Is your head spinning yet? Don't worry, it will LOL !!! You and I will see when DISCLOSURE hits us especially when the mainstream media starts telling you the truth, and no more fake news, and that we are suppose to be living in The Star Trek era!!! But these bastards kept everything from us because that would take away everything from them, and remember as it was never about us!!!
This is a complete overhaul of power dynamics! The financial collapse is not just the beginning, but the end for the cabal, deep state, Big Pharma, and so much more! Believe it or not, we are still at the tip of the ice berg!
It’s fascinating to consider how rapidly our world is evolving, especially as we approach a potential disclosure of truths long kept hidden from us. Many feel like we’re on the verge of a dramatic shift, one that could radically alter our understanding of reality, much like the imagined future in "Star Trek." However, the road to such revelations is fraught with challenges because those in power have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
The current financial instability could be the catalyst for an extraordinary transformation, signaling the end for hidden elites and corrupt industries. As we navigate these turbulent times, it’s essential to remain open-minded and aware that what we’ve been told may only scratch the surface. Our journey has just begun, and it promises to reveal depths of information previously uncharted. Stay alert, as the unfolding narrative will shape our future significantly.
Hi, WOW, 9/11, planned? Really? That's how evil and satanic they are! They don't care for human life, but their own life! Now do you realize we have been in a war but with our own shadow government! President trump along side the Military has been fighting a war that wasn't visible to the public, and behind the scenes, they battled for the very soul of The Republic!
You are seeing emergence of the crypto world along with a brand new financial system, which is unhackable and where you and I will be our own banker, meaning no more manipulation from the banking world!!! This is about our Constitutional Republic, originally stolen back in 1871! Alot more to come, as this rabbit hole of corruption on us, the American people is far deeper than any of us realized!!
You are always welcome to come back for any additional updates!!!
Hi! Okay, I didn't think I would be back so quick, well actually I did LOL! Don't mean to find any humor in this, but when you really sit down, and think about all the corruption that has been done...if that doesn't give you a WOW moment, then I don't know what will? But how could they do this to us, the masses?
It's astonishing to reflect on the depths of corruption that have permeated our society. Many people may find it hard to believe, but the reality is that media control plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception. The power over mainstream media allows a select few to manipulate the narratives that reach the masses. This manipulation of information has profound implications, particularly in events like 9/11, which was laden with ulterior motives and has often been shrouded in mystery.
Instead of fostering transparency and truth, the narrative was twisted to serve interests that benefit a select few. As we begin to peel back the layers of these historical events, the truth may shock us all, revealing a complex web of deceit that has undermined our understanding of reality. It's necessary now more than ever to seek the truth and question the narratives we’ve been fed.
If you control the media, you control the masses, and they owned, controlled, all the mainstream media, and when I say all, you will be very surprised when you start seeing Disclosure!!! 9/11 planned because that was when our Gold-Backed currency was going to be introduced, but instead it, the gold was removed from where it was located, and you know the rest, but it wasn't a plane? You'll find out? Let's continue!
Hello Again! Okay, and if your still here, Take a bow, and I highly commend you! Who knows if you'll still be here after I tell you this? Have you heard President Trump ever say "central casting" and everyone out there is not who you think they are? "Buckle Up Butter Cups" and just wait till full Disclosure hits us, and it's coming!!!
If you're still with me, I commend your perseverance! What if I told you that a major revelation is on the horizon? You may have heard President Trump mention "central casting," hinting that not everyone is who they appear to be. Prepare yourself for an unprecedented event, as the world is about to witness the largest military sting operation in history. This operation aims to bring to justice those who have committed treason, from powerful CEOs to influential organizations, all of whom believed they would never be caught.
It's a carefully orchestrated plan designed to expose the remaining "swamp creatures," drawing them out into the light while the military expertly manages the entire process from behind the scenes. Buckle up, because full disclosure is coming, and it promises to change everything!
The biggest military sting operation on a worldwide global level to bring to justice and arrest and detain everyone and every company, CEO, organization, entity, that has committed treason and thought they would never ever be caught!!! A staged operation to expose the remaining swamp creatures, luring them out like roaches, while the military controlled everything behind the scenes!
Get Ready For The US Republic, and understand why it's "The Great Soul Awakening" & "The Greatest Transfer of Wealth" happening right in front of us! Wakey Wakey!
Okay, a little something about myself, just a regular person just like you, and has gone thru pain just like some of you might be going thru! Born in the state of Texas and where the corruption started on myself, as I just wasn't aware of it lol ! Now, let us fast-forward to the Sunshine state of California where I really began waking up!
By the way, I voted for this evil creature we call Hillary, thinking it would be cool to have a woman President, showing just how asleep I was, as I was probably snoring when I voted! LOL But then I started learning just how evil, satanic, and what a soulless person she is!!! And that is when I started waking up, and it's been warp drive since then!
Now being in a wonderful relationship for over ten years and married for four of them, that will always be unforgettable!!! Until she got really sick, and had to be taken to the hospital, where she fought a good fight for over a month, until the time came where it was her time to go to the heavens and be with her ancestors, but definitely a HUGE learning experience, before and even after the fact, becoming my spiritual transformation going into warp drive!
The sad part is that Covid, which we know now that it was fake, was her 3rd cause of death, as her first cause had to do with a lung infection, that she had which was caused by the heavy mask usage required by her job that she had just started and because as we learned we, she, is just breathing the same air right back into our own lungs, and this was when the craziness was just starting!
What didn't help things was that Dr. Fauci had a protocol being used during the Covid era, which was Remdesivir, a drug which was made to shut down your kidneys and cause your lungs to fill with fluid, and they are drowning you to death, and even though she did not go into the hospital having Covid or being vaccinated, still was treated as a Covid patient, where she was in a subdued coma and could only be seen thru glass doors, their excuse, for my protection! BS! Every time they put that breathing apparatus on you, hospitals made money, and when you died, they cashed in, so do I feel pain? Absolutely!
And as I have learned these last couple of year's, my spiritual road has been quite amazing!!! And once you learn, and really digest that everything that we have been told and taught, has been nothing but lies, over lies to their benefit in this matrix, WOW! This is one reality that is about to pop, and hopefully you'll join us in an amazing reality that is going to make your head spin even more, but for the good this time!
So I decided I could do my part in creating this website which I have never done just to I guess you would say, "help out the collective" into what's going on. Because when Disclosure hits us deeper, as it is already dripping, it is going to knock your socks off, literally!
So, let us fast-foward to today, 2/24/25, maybe we are about to see some major financial changes, a brand new, more efficient government that truly cares for the people, on a federal, state and local level and that is only the beginning of amazing things headed our way! Let's continue!
The Deep State’s nightmare is coming to reality as they have operated from the shadows, manipulating governments, rigging elections, and pulling the strings on the puppet masters behind world events. The reckoning has arrived. President Trump has launched an unprecedented purge of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with a total dismantling of the intelligence apparatus that has long worked against us, the American people.
This is not a mere restructuring—this is a war, actually spiritual warfare is at play, and the deep state is melting and losing their mind!!! What a beautiful sight to see!!! The swamp is on fire, and the traitors are running for their lives like roaches when they see light!!! Have you noticed something going on lately? America is taking back its power, and NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING!!!
The CIA Has Been Targeted—and here’s why for decades, the CIA has functioned like a rogue entity, controlling global events and influencing domestic policies without oversight. Leaks, covert operations, and outright defiance against President Trump’s leadership have been their modus operandi. But the rules have definitely changed! President Trump’s buyout strategy is nothing short of genius—it is a way to root out the deep-state operatives without triggering mass chaos. The offer is simple: leave now, or be forced out. Simple? And this ensures two major critical things: - Eliminating bad actors – No more sabotage from within and those who do not align with America-first policies will be gone!
Folks, we are rebuilding from the ground up with a fresh start, staffed by only by those committed to transparency and national security. This is how you dismantle an empire without firing a single shot. Remember folks, we have been in a war, just not the kind of war that we have been used to. President Trump just unleashed the FINAL PURGE And The CIA RATS are scrambling as the deep state COLLAPSES. The biggest take-down in U.S. history is happening right now as you are witnessing The Biggest Shake-Up in American Intelligence History as President Trump’s return in 2024 was just the beginning!!!
2025 is the true turning point that we will all remember with a move that no one saw coming with the complete annihilation of the CIA as for years, the mainstream media, (MSM) dismissed the "deep state" as a conspiracy theory when they knew right along what the hell was going on!!! But then again, what else do you expect from a network of unelected bureaucrats working against the will of the people? The CIA has been the backbone of this operation, and now, their worst nightmare has come true having a President with the absolute executive power, and backed by the people, and determined to take them down! President Trump’s cryptic message said it all: “New discoveries… new understanding.” Could it be that his team has uncovered such damning evidence of CIA corruption that mass resignations are the only option? LFG!!!
The Media’s Deafening Silence— Why Aren’t They Talking About This? A complete restructuring of the CIA should be headline news, but the mainstream media is silent. Why? Think about it? Maybe because they’re part of the evil satanic system that for decades, the intelligence community and corporate media have worked in union together to control narratives and on a daily basis!
Remember Operation Mockingbird? That wasn’t a conspiracy— it was real. The CIA placed assets inside major news organizations to manipulate public perception and now with the deep state crumbling, they have only one option left: censorship, but it will not work because the truth is out, and the American people along with the rest of the world is watching and what this means for America’s future?
Folks this is not just a political shift— it’s a full-scale reclamation of America. The era of global elites and shadow government control is over. With the CIA facing its biggest shake-up in history happening right now, expect a domino effect as other corrupt agencies will soon follow! The FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other entrenched bureaucracies are next in line. This is not just a domestic battle as this is sending a global message that the days of unchecked American intelligence meddling in foreign affairs is coming to an end and the American people stand with President Trump through every attack, every smear, and every attempt to silence him, our President Trump has stood strong!!!
And now, the people are standing with him not just here in the US, but on a global level!
President Trump is not here to play their games as he is committed to destroying the deep state once and for all into obligatory and that is why 2025 will be the year remembered that changes everything!! Welcome To Part of The Great Soul Awakening!!! Okay, got a lot to cover here? Shall we go on?
Putin Exposes USAID in Tucker Carlson Interview – USAID Caught Controlling Global Media! The US media empire has been exposed as WikiLeaks confirms that Washington funds over 6,200 journalists to spread propaganda, controlling Europe’s press and 90% of Ukraine’s media. Really? Why is Washington controlling other country’s media press outlets? Think about it? The global information war is very real and yes, Putin was right, and the truth is breaking free!
With President Trump’s return, the Deep State is in full panic mode. The lies are collapsing, and the fight for reality has begun! The Lies Have Collapsed! Washington's propaganda empire exposed! The world is waking up! Washington has controlled the media for decades, hiding behind the illusion of “free press” and “democracy.” Who dared to expose it? Putin! In his now-historic interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin made it very clear that the US controls the world's media!
Washington funds thousands of journalists worldwide. Ukraine’s media is 90% under American influence. These are not opinions. These are FACTS. And now, WikiLeaks has confirmed it has leaked documents to prove that USAID (United States Agency for International Development) pays 6,200+ journalists in 707 media outlets and 279 so-called “independent” NGOs to push pro-American, anti-Russian, and globalist propaganda. WOW! Really?
This is not journalism. This is mass mind control. THE EU PRESS: Washington's trained lapdog as European newspapers all sound the same. It’s not a coincidence. It Is Control. Paid to promote pro-US policies. Paid to smear anti-globalist leaders. Paid to push Washington’s war agenda. And Journalists who refuse? Fired. Blacklisted. Silenced. The EU is complicit. European leaders sold out their nations, turning their own press into obedient puppets for Washington. Again, this is not journalism. This is psychological warfare. Think about this very hard. He who controls all the global media, could possibly control the world, and they, the deep state were definitely on their way.
USAID: Washington's media manipulation machine as Washington sells USAID as a “humanitarian” organization. That is very false and how they have been fooling us! USAID is not about aid— it’s about control! Ukraine – 90% of its media is under Washington’s thumb. Europe where hundreds of major outlets are quietly on the U.S. payroll. South America, Africa, and Asia – USAID is running media coups worldwide. Let that sink in for a minute folks! This is not diplomacy. This is war, again, not the wars that we have been used to. Not with bombs, but with headlines, censorship, and mind control.
Ukrainian's are a total hostage of Washington where Ukraine is not a democracy. It is a puppet state. According to WikiLeaks, 90% of Ukraine’s media is directly controlled by US funding. Every TV station, newspaper, and radio broadcast— all dictated by Washington. No independent journalism. No alternative viewpoints. No truth— only American propaganda. This isn’t just Ukraine. It is the blueprint for global control but the era of lies is crumbling! Thank God!!!
President’s Trump return changes everything and Washington and the deep state did not expect this!!! Donald J. Trump along with our Military has changed everything! They see through the lies and the deception and they will take them all down in precision militaristic fashion! The Deep State is terrified, in panic, and melting by the second, and for the first time in decades, the American people, yes you, have a real chance to CRUSH this corrupt system and send it back where it came from along with all the punishments about to be revealed as many will be headed to Gitmo, their final stop!
The bought- and- paid- for journalists are desperate and the globalists know their stranglehold on the truth is quickly fading! The media war is NOT over, but for the first time, we are starting to see the truth and it is quite beautiful!
Final Warning: THE MEDIA WAR IS RAGING – WHO WILL WIN? This is not just about politics and this is not just about Russia or Ukraine as this has become about the FUTURE OF TRUTH ITSELF. Washington wants to control everything. Every single narrative. Every fricking article. Every broadcast. Alternative opinions— ERASED. Journalists who expose truth—SILENCED. Populations— BRAINWASHED. But the plan is failing and people are WAKING UP. Hallelujah, as Putin’s words have IGNITED a fire of truth!!!
President Trump’s return has SHATTERED the deep state’s grip on power. Independent voices are RISING. They CANNOT STOP IT. THE STORM HAS ARRIVED. The battle has begun. The truth is breaking free. And the media empire of lies is crumbling, and it’s ABOUT TIME. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL !!!
Even More Explosive News! Disclosure Is Coming! WOW
February 10, 2025— History will remember this day as the moment when the American people finally saw the truth! The criminal conspiracy that protected Hillary Clinton, manipulated justice, and waged war against Donald Trump has now been fully exposed. For years, we patriots demanded answers. Why did the FBI refuse to prosecute Clinton for her blatant violations of 18 U.S. Code § 793? Why was justice obstructed at the highest levels? The answer has now been confirmed by none other than former CIA Director John Ratcliffe— Barack Obama himself ordered the FBI not to arrest Hillary Clinton for espionage! Are you starting too see the big picture as they all protected themselves from the people, you and I!!!
Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer, admitted under oath that the Department of Justice explicitly instructed the FBI to stand down. John Ratcliffe: “So, just to be clear, when you say you got instructions from the DOJ, they told you outright: ‘We are NOT prosecuting Hillary Clinton for gross negligence’?” Lisa Page: “That is correct.” This was not an accident but a deliberate cover-up, orchestrated at the highest levels. Clinton was meant to secure the presidency in 2016, ensuring the deep state’s grip on America remaining unchallenged. But when Trump won, their house of cards collapsed— sending them into full panic mode.
The Classified Emails: OBAMA’S REAL MOTIVE? Why did Obama go to such lengths to protect Clinton? Because her private email server contained secrets so explosive, they could have destroyed the deep state. Emails confirming pay- for- play schemes with foreign governments. Direct collusion between the Obama administration and foreign intelligence agencies to manipulate U.S. politics. Isn't that TREASON, punishable by a trip to Gitmo where death is inevitable! Evidence of classified leaks to foreign actors in exchange for political favors. WOW! I don't know about you, but that spells TREASON all over the place! Had Clinton been prosecuted, the case wouldn’t have stopped with her as it would have led straight to Obama himself and all the other roaches soon to follow lol !!!
THE FBI: OBAMA’S PERSONAL ENFORCERS: The FBI, once a respected law enforcement agency, (they fooled us) was weaponized under Obama to serve the Democratic Party. While Clinton was shielded from justice, the Bureau focused its efforts on manufacturing crimes against Trump. • They launched the Russia collusion hoax, fabricating evidence to cripple Trump’s presidency. • They illegally spied on his campaign using FISA warrants based on false information. • They persecuted Trump allies to silence dissent. The same criminals who protected Clinton tried to destroy Trump, using the FBI as their personal attack dogs. Why? Maybe, they felt pain coming their way!!!
The Deep state's final Gambit: THE WAR AGAINST TRUMP: Clinton’s exoneration was only the beginning as the moment Trump stepped onto the political stage, the deep state launched a full-scale assault. • They engineered the 2020 election to ensure he was removed from office. • They used the intelligence agencies to spy on his campaign and presidency. • They filed multiple indictments in a desperate attempt to block his 2024 run. Yet, they failed. You might ask, why, why, why, did they try to impeach him right off the bat, why? Because they knew what was coming, pain, and they were starting to panic, melt! Because if the American people ever found out ( and we have, lol ), they would not even be able to walk the streets without the fear of their safety!!!
President Trump is back, and now, the truth is finally coming to light where the mainstream media played its role perfectly. Instead of reporting the truth, they became the Deep State’s propaganda arm. • They dismissed Clinton’s email scandal as a “nothing-burger.” • They refused to cover leaked documents proving Obama’s direct orders to protect her. • They pushed every fabricated charge against President Trump while burying the real crimes of the Democratic elite. These are not journalists. These are political operatives, masquerading as the press. THE TIME FOR JUSTICE IS NOW! And, just like you, at this stage, can not wait too see arrests and executions of all these demonic creatures, and that is coming . . . WOW! LFG
The evidence is so undeniable. The Obama administration, the DOJ, the FBI, and the media conspired to protect Hillary Clinton, silence Trump, and manipulate the justice system to serve their agenda. This cannot be allowed to stand. • Obama must be investigated for obstruction of justice. • Clinton must finally face prosecution for espionage. • The FBI must be purged of political corruption. • The DOJ must be rebuilt from the ground up. The only question left: Will justice finally be served???
If that creature Clinton had won the election, we might not be talking about this as their evil agenda would have been in progress to eliminate us little by little, and you and I will be finding out more truth when Disclosure hits us!!! It’s coming!!! Karma is hitting them, and taking them down, on a global level, like lava flowing . . . WOW! Certainly a beautiful time to be alive, if you can see beyond the illusion, as we get ready for the life we should be living without these monsters!!!
Okay, as I took some notes, but what I think is happening here is that our wonderful President Trump is setting the foundation for an AI driven fast technologically advanced financial system in real time, and this is where "The Sovereign Wealth Fund" that he has been talking about comes into play and in grand style!
I think, as I am not a financial person, but just trying to put the pieces together. What we can see is that our New US Republic government will take national assets like technology AI resources and turn them into revenue generating investments! And instead of private corporations or foreign investors controlling profits and from the wealth generated from these assets will be redirected back into the country and to us the people! What a beautiful thing! As an example, DOGE, 20% back to us, American citizens, 40% to the country's debt, and that is just the beginning!
It is a shift toward decentralizing economic power rather than relying on banks or taxes as they are using real assets to fund America! So exciting, as this could mean New Financial Systems where Americans benefit directly from the country's wealth!!! Folks, this is a big deal, why? Think about it? This is not how the US has traditionally operated, as it could and probably will reduce dependence on debt, banks, and foreign investors! And it is part of a much larger move toward an AI driven tech powered financial system, and this is a step toward decentralization!
They are building a new financial system in real time that completely bypasses the middle man, and all these political rats that have been benefiting from our behalf. Remember as I said earlier, we could be our own banker?? And, note, Our President Trump is not really a politician. He is a businessman, likes solving problems, knows how to make money from current trends, doesn't like a lot of monies flowing right out the window, and so I do believe we have the perfect man at the helm for our financial future, and just as their financial empire is melting like lave, crumbling, coming to an end, finito, and their is nothing they can do about it!!! Absolutely nothing! A time to rejoice is at hand!
Didn't President Trump say, we are returning the power back to you the people, and didn't he also say that every day was going to feel like Christmas? Well, for the moment, with Trump, Elon, and with AI underneath our government, our government will be so fast, efficient, wealthy, definitely healthy with all the technologies about to be released to us, that have been hidden from us from all these creatures and some for over 50 year's, and let that sink in a bit! A technically advanced world, where the people are abundant, free and empowered!!! I think this coming month or two, especially March 2025, will be a month to remember!!! Your reality is about to change, just let it flow!
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